Labels:bulletin board | daily | earth | gazette | person | poster | sky OCR: dobe and thatch churua ta dwellings have changed little over thousands of years (we stay + clean but rustic rooms with shared baths) Then for change of pace, we head seaward, flying over the tur quoise waters of th car ibbean Los Roa ues National Park some 80 miles off enezuela ma n1 land Here lie more than 360 small islands surrounded by crys- talline waters, countless coral reefs, and white sand beach es. We explore several islands by peneros (traditional pooM en fishing boats), and spend out time snorkeling. beach com bing. and feas ting on locally -ca ught fresh perfect ending to one of out best quick escapes adobe nustic ward water Venezuela mainland smal cora wood spenc seafood perf iect auick